Monday, January 11, 2016

Fixing the Reboot Command

Somewhere along the line, my Ubuntu 14.04.3 installation (on a Zotac Z-Box) stopped accepting any typed reboot command. It seems to have happened after I removed gnome-power-manager; but even though I reinstalled it, the reboot command still wouldn't work. I'm not sure whether that was the cause, but I think it has a high chance. Anyway, thanks to, this little trick worked...

Edit grub's default configuration:
# vim /etc/default/grub

Add the following to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT string:

The kernel will attempt each type of reboot in that order, until one works.

After saving that file, be sure to run the following command to enact your changes:
# update-grub

Reboot your machine, and the reboot command should now work.

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