Thursday, October 24, 2013

Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4: Problems Updating a Rooted ME7 to MI1 Firmware

Before my current Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4, I dealt with an old Motorola Droid X2 for a few years. If you don't know, it was a phone that had less than 512MB of usable RAM ~ actually, effectively less than 384MB (in other words, it lagged like a bitch). So, to squeeze as much life out of it as possible, I used the Eclipse ROM on it. I've used custom ROMs before, but that was the first time I really saw a performance improvement because of one... you know, getting rid of bloatware is always a good thing.

Fast-forward to my newer S4... with 2GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores, it hardly needs a performance improvement -- and their TouchWiz actually seemed good on this one (AOSP blasphemy?). So, for a while, I happily used stock Samsung Android (VRUAMDK) -- unrooted, even.

Then the VRUAME7 OTA came, and I immediately updated to it... something I would come to regret. That update ensured I would not be able to root for at least 2 more months until a bounty on XDA got up to a few thousand dollars and someone found an exploit (albeit, still with a locked bootloader). What can I say? After the old Moto DX2, I was giddy about ANY newer version of Android! Lesson learned: heed the warnings about accepting OTAs... do NOT do them if you're rooted!!! Period!

So, when VRUDMI1 was recently available OTA, I was a lot more hesitant to accept the update; but after several days of being nagged by it (and not finding any major issues about it, in my searches online), I finally pulled the trigger and did an OTA update for the MI1 firmware....

Enter:  "Firmware Update Error" (and a dead Andy lying on his back). Awesome. Could it be because I had rooted ME7? Probably. So, after doing a full factory reset - and then doing the update, it seemed to work.

But now, I have a completely blank factory-image phone... it might be the time to pull the trigger on a custom ROM.

To be continued.....

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