Every once in a while, my GUI on Linux Mint hangs. The mouse moves, but that's it. Here's the only way I found to get things back up as they were (without losing all of your open windows and applications).
1. Get a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + F2 or similar).
2. Kill all cinnamon processes (killall -HUP cinnamon)
3. Go back to your GUI (Ctrl + Alt + F8).
After a few seconds or minutes, you'll get all your stuff back.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Configure CentOS 6 VNC Server
One of the first things I like to do when provisioning a CentOS 6 server with a desktop GUI is to configure remote desktop; but the standard/included server (vino) only works when a user is already logged in. I want to usually be able to log-in remotely (in other words, have my VNC session log me in to a machine that has no users logged-in).
First, install and enable the VNC server:
See if VNC server comes up:
First, install and enable the VNC server:
# yum install tigervnc-serverSet VNC password for your user:
# yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
# chkconfig vncserver on
# su - USERAdd the following lines to the following file:
# vncpasswd
# exit
# vim /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
VNCSERVERS="1:USER"Add port 5900 (TCP and UDP) to your firewall allow rules (I just did this graphically at the machine's physical terminal, but you can use iptables in the CLI).
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600"
See if VNC server comes up:
# service vncserver restartEdit the user's vnc configuration to replace the "twm &" line with the following:
# service vncserver stop
# vim /home/USER/.vnc/xstartup
exec gnome-session &Test VNC server startup again:
# service vncserver restartAt this point, you should be able to point a VNC client at your machine, and you will automatically be logged-in. Note, it usually takes a little time... up to a minute or so, typically.
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